Book Of Air - Fieldtone [vinyl 2LP]

  • szt.
  • Net Price: €12.59 €15.48

The sound to be found in nature can have a very slow groove. A groove embedded by silence, and so slow it can almost only be felt while spending a few hours in the nature at sea, during a forest trip, in open fields, etc... It is this groove and the'silence' of nature that was an inspiration for the Fieldtone compositions. 

Book of air is a series of bundled compositions exploring the parameters of sound and time.Fieldtone is the first. Fieldtone refers to 'Roomtone' which is the 'silence' recorded at a location or space when no music is played or dialogue spoken. Every room is different, and these recordings always carry their unique character. The compositions of Fieldtone are inspired by the tempo and sonic textures of specific nature locations. can have. By embedding the sound to be found in nature, this silent slowness into the compositions, the details of the sounds played become much more prominent. In this way the silence itself, amplifies the sounds that are played, and will also amplify the room surrounding the listener.

The music is performed by an ensemble of string instruments (Kankles, Acoustic guitar, Electric Guitar, Double Bass) supplemented with drums.


side A
SHEN show tyray 18.40
side B
SHILLE gwer canne 16:41
side C
side D
O ram ren chiba 19:41